I'm so far behind on various projects that today I'm working by timer. I set the timer for 15, 20, or 30 minutes, depending on what the task is, and then I begin and try to do as much as I can within the allotted time. Right now I'm on a 15 minute timer, so that I don't get side-tracked.
I already got side tracked once when I was cleaning out the kitchen. I found 1 mango, 4 apples, half an onion, one tangerine, 5 baby plum tomatoes, all in various states of exhaustion. They were past being eaten raw, but not bad enough to throw away, so decided to make a chutney using all of my finds. I added 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of sweet
chili sauce, a pinch of nutmeg, two pinches of ground cinnamon, 5 whole cloves, 3 whole
cardamoms (cracked open so the seeds can fall out), about a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger, and enough water to cover, and then I brought it to the boil, lowered the heat, and simmered for about 30 minutes. Then I mashed it with a potato masher, and carried on simmering till it thickened to about the consistency of apple sauce. I had to fish around with the spoon to find and take out the cloves and the
cardamoms, and then I had a taste.
Verdict: it's okay, nothing exciting, can't imagine what you'd eat it with, but I'll put it in a jar and refrigerate, and then if nobody's found a use for it after one month, I might end up binning it anyway.I'd better post this now, because my timer is about to go off!