Tuesday 9 February 2010

Misty breath

Every time I step outside my breath moves ahead of me in a misty cloud. It's strange to be able to see my breath after a respite down under in their topsy turvy summertime.

Having spent the last two months going out and about and spending a lot of time outdoors, I'm looking out of the window at the wintry scenes and thinking "No, I don't think I want to go out in that!"

I've been hibernating a little bit. In fact more than a little bit, because every time I stop moving I fall asleep. I think my body clock is just slightly mixed up at the moment.


Unknown said...

Sleep well and dream of all the beautiful things you have seen down under. Take your time to recover :-)

Donna said...

You've had a big adventure!!! Rest while you can! Who knows, you may decide to get on with a New adventure!lolol...

Anvilcloud said...

Having just been forced (by my body) to get up earlier than I wished, I think I envy you being able to fall asleep like that.

Sally said...

I can only imagine the way you're feeling going from summer to winter. Take care, and rest! :)