I took a walk in Campbell Park in Milton Keynes a few days ago. This is a big park with some really nice features. I think my favourite is this sundial which is set in the middle of a labyrinth.

The Labyrinth
There's a circle at a high point called Belvedere. Belvedere is at the start of a path which leads in a straight line to a bridge that joins up with Midsummer Boulevard. Midsummer Boulevard then runs in a straight line (except for a shopping precinct in the middle of its path) right down to the train station. Apparently it's supposed to be lined up so that the sun rises behind Belvedere point on June 21, and follows Midsummer Boulevard until it reflects in an explosion of light off the glass front of the railway station.
I stood on Belvedere point and did a 360 degree photo rotation. Here's the result. It's a bit patchy, but it gives you an idea of what the view is like. The line of trees at the end of the path is just about where the bridge meets the beginning of Midsummer Boulevard. The station is quite a long way from there.
Those panoramas are tough. You pretty well have to Photoshop them together manually, and even that's not easy.
Wonderful photos Girl!!! The dial is wonderful!! Have a Fun day!!hughugs
Love the scenery.
Great photos!!! Thanks for sharing your outing. :)
I enjoyed the walk with you through the park to the sundial in the labyrinth. Your Belvedere explanation is fantastic and so is the extreme panorama photo. I know how much work it is to compose it the way you did.
Nice photos. That is a pretty but unusual looking park.
Love the piccies, I have taken a walk through there myself in the past :-)
Love the sundial. I will have to add Milton Keynes to my list of want to see places in England!
WoW. Pretty nice pictures. I wish i could visit places like that
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